An Online Color Analysis Experiment

Recently, Christine Scaman wrote a post dealing with the comments she receives that she must be a summer. She handles this all much more graciously than I would, and even still, you can see people in the comments insisting she is a Light Summer. (!) If Christine can’t get it right in the eyes of the Internet, really, what hope do the rest of us have?

This brings up a major issue with asking people online for help in determining your season when they are not an analyst standing in front of you during your draping who is trained in the system you’re exploring. Analysts trained in Sci/Art or 12 Blueprints look at your skin during a draping. Your hair is covered. No one looks to see whether your eyes have spokes or an Aztec sun.

And yet people are used to the body-color way of doing things. They want to see what they perceive as “harmony” between your hair color and your most flattering clothes. We all do it, whether we’re aware of it or not. We have our own preferences that affect our judgment. Now, I have nothing against this way of doing things. I am open to the idea of a Caygill or Caygill-derived analysis after a 12 Blueprints analysis, because I think it may help me understand where my sweet spot within my 12 Blueprints season lies. I am fully aware of and in agreement with the fact that I’d probably end up a Spring in Caygill. But this does not mean I am a Sci/Art Spring, or that I should look at Light or Bright Spring again. In Light Spring, I’m pink. Bright Spring totally overpowers me. I simply need more depth than Light Spring and can’t balance Bright Spring. Yes, I’m blonde with very pale skin that is slightly warm. That does not mean that these are my only options.

Soon, I will be receiving color cards from Truth Is Beauty in the mail. I ordered True Spring, Light Summer, Soft Summer, and the three Autumns. When I use these cards to drape, I plan to post them without the card showing, with the focus just on my face. This way, I hope, I will get a response that looks just at my skin, not at my apparent lightness in relation to what I am draping with.

3 Comments on An Online Color Analysis Experiment

  1. Rosesred
    March 11, 2015 at 3:15 pm

    I love your discussions of kibbe, it’s how I first found out about the system! It’s a complex but comprehensive system, with many nuances, and you explain it so well that I keep coming back to these posts. One thing I struggled with, is that there’ s a very stereotypical look for each type, judging by pinterest etc, that does not always seem to result from kibbes words or even the intention behind them. I am pretty sure that TR clothes look great on me, but I have no desire as a working professional to be a femme fatale. It took me a while to see the TR potential in something else than a red velvet dress with black lace

    • Rosesred
      March 11, 2015 at 3:16 pm

      Sorry! Left the comment on the wrong post! Doh!

      • stylesyntax
        March 12, 2015 at 1:50 am

        Don’t worry about it 🙂 I definitely think most people have to go through a process of unlearning what they saw on Pinterest/Polyvore. Sets and boards tend to show style rather than lines. You can definitely dress professionally or casually or whatever in any type. Unfortunately, this misrepresentation scares people away a lot of the time. I’m glad you found Kibbe through my site! I hope realizing you’re TR has made getting dressed a lot easier for you. 🙂


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