Everything’s Gone Green

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Since I’ve gone back to Dressing Your Truth, I’ve made a conscious effort to stop buying black and gray, even though the Dark Autumn palette has these colors. Instead of purchasing a wide variety of Dark Autumn/Type Three colors, though, I seem to just be buying everything in green/olive.

Olive, in my case, is the new black. Most of the stuff I’ve bought since I made that decision has been some kind of green/olive. Even just looking at the things I’ve mentioned in recent blog posts, you can see the pattern:

I recognized this pattern, and swore to myself that I would absolutely stop buying things in green or olive until I had rounded out my wardrobe with other colors. Then a few weeks ago, Boden emailed me, and I ended up buying this (in my defense, I had a coupon code):

Florence Jacket, Boden, $130.

Florence Jacket, Boden, $130.

Sometimes you just see an item and you can immediately picture all the ways you can use it in your wardrobe. That’s what happened to me with this jacket. It seemed like the kind of thing that could replace both a leather jacket and a denim jacket, something that can be worn for three seasons out of the year. The red piping just adds that little extra touch of design that makes it unique.

So, okay. I swear that was my last purchase of something green or olive for at least the next few months. Now, when I need something in a neutral–or something edging toward a neutral–I want to look for my browns, my dark reds, my peacock blues, my dark purples. There is so much more to my palette!

What color seems to dominate your wardrobe? Have you taken steps to rectify this?

11 Comments on Everything’s Gone Green

  1. Sarrah
    February 19, 2017 at 7:29 pm

    There is nothing wrong with olive green! I wholeheartedly support your buying and wearing this awesome color. For me, I love warm beige. I don’t know about DYT sometimes. I believe I am a type 4 under that system, but I cannot stand to wear what they suggest. Although the palette and outfits are beautiful I just can’t wear it. I think it is best to base ones’s wardrobe on three main colors and add other colors as an accent. But that is just how I like to do it. LOVE this blog.

    • stylesyntax
      February 21, 2017 at 11:57 am

      My problem is that, for instance, if you look at the graphic, all three items are olive, but they are different shades of olive. I don’t think the olive-green purse is going to look good when I have an olive-green jacket on. So I’ve tried to diversify for that reason. I love that purse (and it was on sale!), but I need to see how it all looks together.

      • Sarrah
        March 20, 2017 at 10:18 pm

        I get you. Maybe carry the purse in the summer?

  2. Katherine
    February 19, 2017 at 10:35 pm

    Gray! And some blues and greens as well. I always liked gray, but once I found out I was a True Summer, I stopped trying so hard to diversify the colors in my wardrobe. Honestly, gray has become to me what it sounds like olive is for you. It’s not that I don’t like other colors in my palette. But, when ordering online, gray seems like a safe bet for my season. Sure, not every gray will be my best, but I think that an off-season gray probably looks better on me than an off-season green. Maybe that is one of the reasons why olive is a go-to color for you?

    • stylesyntax
      February 21, 2017 at 11:58 am

      I can definitely see gray overtaking a True Summer’s wardrobe easily!

  3. Needle-wielder
    February 20, 2017 at 11:03 am

    Navy blue. Not to the point that I would say it dominates my wardrobe, though, I still have my purples, and greens, and oranges, and a bit of lighter blue. But I definetely have more navy-colored things than those of any other color.

    At some point I tried to promise myself to stop bying clothes in that color, but I don’t think my resolve lasted for very long. It just seems easier to find navy clothes in stores, I don’t run into other colors that suit me as often (being warm/true autumn). I even venture into dark autumn territory at times because most of what I see available in warm colors is either light and bright, or dark and muted, no middle ground, and I do dark and muted a bit better.

    • stylesyntax
      February 21, 2017 at 11:59 am

      I like navy too now, but I’m never really sure if it’s an autumn navy or not.

  4. ruby
    February 21, 2017 at 6:57 am

    Brown! Used to be black then I discovered I was TA….it’s a good base colour. I agree with the comment above about it being easier to find DA, or spring colours in warms. Spring looks hideous on me so I stray into DA a fair bit. There are several lovely colours in TA that just never seem to turn up, the very greeny but muted turquoise, the muted blue violet. I’d love to wear those but no-one seems inclined to let me.

    • stylesyntax
      February 21, 2017 at 12:00 pm

      Personally, I’ve noticed now that Softs are EVERYWHERE–DA, not so much. I wish manufacturers made clothes in a wider variety of colors!

      • ruby
        February 22, 2017 at 12:00 pm

        I daresay we all feel ‘other seasons get all the luck’ & frustration at finding the perfect whatever if only it was a different colour. Perhaps with the exception of winters who happen to like wearing black! To be fair some colours in TA seem to turn up a lot, but it’s those less stereotypically ‘autumn leaves’ colours that are often hard to find.

  5. Laurel
    February 21, 2017 at 2:51 pm

    Blackandwhite. I’m a type 4 and my love affair with blackandwhite shows no signs of discontinuing. I make periodic stabs at adding more color but nothing sticks. I say if you have a color that speaks to you wear it to your hearts content. Make it your signature. By the way I consider blackandwhite to be a color.


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